Friday, November 30, 2007

cpan urllist

CPAN keeps trying to get to which is down. You can get around this by using o conf urllist to see the URLs and then shift to move the bad URL out:
cpan[5]> o conf urllist                                                       
Type 'o conf' to view all configuration items

cpan[6]> o conf urllist shift                                                 

cpan[7]> o conf urllist                                                       
Type 'o conf' to view all configuration items

cpan[8]> o conf commit                                                        
commit: wrote '/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/CPAN/'

You can also o conf urllist push ftp://... to add URLs.


djb's qmail is now in the public domain. His hardware page with standard workstations is pretty cool too.


script(1) is an easy to keep a log of what you typed:
$ script foo
Script started, file is foo
$ ls
$ exit
Script done, file is foo
$ wc -l foo
7 foo

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Disk I/O

I've been looking at I/O on my disks with iostat. iostat can be thought of as a wrapper to /proc/diskstats. You can see how the diskstats change by putting a test load on them. The following does lots of reads from a particular device that I'm trying to trouble shoot:
dd if=/dev/emcpowerb of=/dev/null bs=512 count=100000000000 &
In a multipath set up iostat might look like:
avg-cpu:  %user   %nice    %sys %iowait   %idle
           0.01    0.00    0.02    0.01   99.96

Device:            tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sdb               0.00         0.00         0.00       2496          0
sdc               0.01         2.52         0.00    2583090        496
sdd               0.00         0.00         0.00       2496          0
sde               0.01         2.52         0.00    2581664        952
emcpowerb         0.02         5.02         0.00    5150338       1448
Note that emcpowerb has the total between sdc and sde. You can use several dd comands like the above to drive the I/O load up. Look at all the time spent in wa (iowait - amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete):
top - 22:27:44 up 12 days,  3:26,  3 users,  load average: 7.05, 2.78, 1.04
Tasks: 124 total,   1 running, 123 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu0  :  1.4% us,  4.8% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id, 93.9% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu1  :  1.7% us,  7.1% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id, 91.2% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu2  :  0.0% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 81.8% id, 17.9% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu3  :  0.3% us,  3.4% sy,  0.0% ni,  6.1% id, 90.1% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:   8310532k total,  1028576k used,  7281956k free,   767020k buffers
Swap:  2031608k total,        0k used,  2031608k free,   128680k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           
 2400 root      18   0  4836  420  356 D    2  0.0   0:00.83 dd                 
 2352 root      18   0  5364  420  356 D    2  0.0   0:06.15 dd                 
 2358 root      18   0  5036  420  356 D    2  0.0   0:04.05 dd                 
 2359 root      18   0  5204  420  356 D    2  0.0   0:04.06 dd                 
 2402 root      18   0  4492  420  356 D    2  0.0   0:00.86 dd                 
 2345 root      18   0  4112  420  356 D    2  0.0   0:09.21 dd                 
 2348 root      18   0  3884  416  356 D    2  0.0   0:06.40 dd                 
 2401 root      18   0  5276  420  356 D    2  0.0   0:00.81 dd                 
 2353 root      18   0  4348  420  356 D    1  0.0   0:06.09 dd   
and see how your multipath device handles it (note that 5 and 3 queued I/Os):
# powermt display dev=emcpowerb | egrep "sdc|sde"
   1 qla2xxx                   sdc       SP A1     active  alive      5      0
   2 qla2xxx                   sde       SP A0     active  alive      3      0

# iostat
avg-cpu:  %user   %nice    %sys %iowait   %idle
           0.01    0.00    0.02    0.04   99.93

Device:            tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sdb               0.00         0.00         0.00       2496          0
sdc               0.08        17.64         0.00   18117818        496
sdd               0.00         0.00         0.00       2496          0
sde               0.08        17.26         0.00   17725688        952
emcpowerb         0.15        34.89         0.00   35829090       1448
Note that there are obviously more reads. Note also how you can get similar stats directly from /proc/diskstats:
# cat /proc/diskstats | egrep "emc|sdc|sde"
   8   32 sdc 121192 15 26827106 2477633 51 0 496 467 7 641017 2478212
   8   64 sde 120903 15 26285720 2529294 45 0 952 472 2 653448 2529891
 120   16 emcpowerb 240323 6396919 53098682 5097396 96 85 1448 1013 10 .. ..
                    1      2       3        4       5  6  7    8   *9* 
Note the 9th column (# of I/Os currently in progress) which is the same queued I/O which "powermt display dev=emcpowerb" displayed. If I stop the load test (killall dd) you can see the queued I/O drop:
# cat /proc/diskstats | egrep "emc|sdc|sde"
   8   32 sdc 160459 15 35087122 3570191 51 0 496 467 0 879727 3570647
   8   64 sde 160766 15 34445608 3638404 45 0 952 472 0 892158 3638873
 120   16 emcpowerb 319453 8370224 69518314 7328191 96 85 1448 1013 0 .. ..
Here's an easy way to focus on the 9th column:
cat /proc/diskstats |grep sdc |awk {'print $12'}

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

seq host

I looked up all the hosts in a subnet with:
for x in `seq 1 100`; do host 123.456.78.$x; done;
No big deal, but I'll log it here.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My friend upgraded his router to dd-wrt. It's pretty cool. I might try the same for me WRT-54G v2.2.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Today I learned about dotlockfile. I've put together an example to test my understanding. To use it start three terminals:
  • In terminal1 run the shell script below
  • In terminal2 run the shell script below (within 5 seconds)
  • In terminal3 view the PIDs with "cat /tmp/lock_test"
If you do the above correctly then terminal2's instance won't start until terminal1's instance is finished. Also, you should see different PIDs for each instance in terminal3.

Example Shell Script:

# -------------------------------------------------------- 
# This program uses dotlockfile(1) to assure that no other 
# instances of itself will run.  Only useful as an example. 
# It works because other instances will also try to create 
# a lockfile of the same name and will find that the file 
# already exists.  It only locks a resource used by the same 
# program.  I.e. another program could choose to ignore the 
# lock file.  
# -------------------------------------------------------- 
dotlockfile -p -r2 /tmp/lock_test;  # lock this instance

TIME=5; # do something with resource (just sleeps)
echo "Sleeping for $TIME";  
echo "I.e. no other instances of me will run for $TIME";
sleep $TIME;
echo "Done, about to unlock for other instances";

dotlockfile -u /tmp/lock_test; # unlock this instance

Note that it's just a way to create lock files as part of file locking a process, since "the resource to be controlled is not a regular file at all, so using methods for locking files does not apply".

Moodle advises having cron do this while mirroring. I'm using it because I've got a cron job that's still running when another instance of it starts.

To install dotlockfile on RedHat you can get an RPM:

$ rpm -qlp dotlockfile-1.06.1-1mdv2007.0.i586.rpm 2> /dev/null
I.e. I couldn't easily find it on RHN. It seems to be installed by default on Ubuntu but if you don't have it it is available in Ubuntu's liblockfile1 package.

find old files

Delete all tar.gz files in $BDIR older than $DAYS:
find $BDIR -name \*.gz -ctime +$DAYS -exec rm '{}' \;
My backup script wasn't cleaning things correctly. The above did the trick. The find command is interesting.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I'm not the primary person for the SAN where I work but I'm trying to learn more about it. One component of it is a Fabric Switch which I can SSH into and use CLI for IOS.

Monday, November 19, 2007

nfslock vs imaps

I had a race condition on a server that made it back into production. nfslock had grabbed port 993 before imaps could. This wasn't obvious at first from the imaps client error message: The first thing is to always check your logs. I grepped based on when I restarted the service:
# egrep "^10:" 2007-11-19.log | grep -i imap | head -1
10:06:32.88 1 IMAP failed to start listener on [123.456.78.9:993]. Error
Code=network address (port) is already in use
I hadn't expected another service to grab that port but there it was:
# netstat -tulpn | grep 993
tcp        0      0       *
    LISTEN      5899/rpc.statd
man rpc.statd: "The rpc.statd server implements the NSM (Network Status Monitor) RPC protocol... used by the NFS file locking service, rpc.lockd, to implement lock recovery when the NFS server machine crashes and reboots." This server used to use NFS but doesn't anymore. I stopped the service:
service nfslock stop
chkconfig nfslock off
and made sure my last chkconfg would prevent it from coming back up:
# chkconfig --list | grep nfslock
nfslock         0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
While investigating this I saw that others had seen rpc.statd running on various ports. The man page said that "rpc.statd will ask portmap(8) to assign it a port number. As of this writing, there is not a standard port number that portmap always or usually assigns. Specifying a port may be useful when implementing a firewall" (thus the -p option). I find it odd that it just happened to grab a port that my server needed.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

zimbra rhel5 install

RedHat has a guide for installing Zimbra on RHEL5. They say that it should be installed on a "clean" RHEL5 system. One thing I don't like about RHEL5 is that its default install includes X. I used to like just selecting "minimal" when installing RHEL4.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Zimbra 1

I'm considering moving to Zimbra. I'm evaluating it on an Ubuntu Server test system and it was really easy to install. It's not like I just apt-got it but it very easy to download their tgz file (full of debs) and run their script. There's a guide on howtoforge. I had to trick it into thinking I was running Ubuntu 6, not 7. I got it authenticating off of my OpenLDAP server in 10 minutes:
ldap_filter:            (&(uid=%u))
ldap_search_base:       o=domain
I'm now trying to import a list of users. Since Zimbra uses OpenLDAP to store account data I think I'll have to use that as my interface. I'm able to export them:
openldap/sbin/slapcat -f /opt/zimbra/conf/slapd.conf -l /tmp/ldap.ldif
But even if I used the last 14 lines of the ldif file I don't think I could just re-import the file. I might be able to feed the file to a script which would re-create the account in the mail store, but I'm speculating. Time to read more documentation. I want to pilot on multiple servers: and the Multi-Server Install guide says I only need one license (for my beloved MAPI and mobile users) - for the master LDAP server - and that I should respectively install the mailbox and MTA servers after the LDAP server. I now want to treat my pilot server as nothing but an LDAP server and delegate the mailbox and MTA duties to other servers. The Multi-Server Install guide describes how to set this up from scratch as opposed to upgrading from single to multiple servers so I'm looking to re-install.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I browse my directories with a shell. I occasionally come across images and I don't want to go back to my browser or use some other GUI program to view them. I just want to type command - the same way I type xpdf - to view the image. xv is non-free. Ubuntu has an xli packages which works nicely. Remember r and l rotate the image. Just use q to quit.

down with regex

I wrote a quick python script to parse CSV files and add them to zone files. In general I think I'm going to try to write more robust tools that I can reuse instead of quick little programs. A friend of mine looked at the code and offered some advice. One thing I realize is that I turn to regular expressions too much.

Regular expressions tend to be overkill especially for simple things. User input should almost never be turned into a regex. A lot of string operations can be effectively resolved more simply. Look at the string and try to make some rule based on index math and substrings.

I wanted to know if a string ended with a substring. I tried this:

host_re = re.compile('\.domain\.tld$')
if ( 
  # do something
Instead we started up with:
def ends_with(x, y):
    return len(x) == x.rfind(y) + len(y)
If y is found within x we get the index, or location, where it was found. We add the index to the length of y and this value must equal the length of x. This is better because a regex tends to introduce complications. Here's a variation of the above which covers if the other string is longer:
pos = host.rfind(zone_line)
if (pos > -1 and len(host) == pos + len(zone_line)):
   # do something