Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ruby Scripting

I've got some scripting to do. I'm going to try using Ruby. Aside from a quick rails tutorial, I have never really used Ruby so let's see how easy it is to learn.

I've got to change some IP addresses on a set of Linux boxen. I'm going to encode my data as recursive hash tables. First I'll get comfortable with the syntax by comparing it to some all too familiar PHP. Here's an example:

#!/usr/bin/php -q
$data = array( 
      "server0" => 
     "old_ip" => "123.456.234.51",
     "new_ip" => "123.456.7.5",
     "gateway" => "123.456.7.1", 
     "subnet" => "", 
      "server1" => 
     "old_ip" => "123.456.234.52",
     "new_ip" => "123.456.7.6",
     "gateway" => "123.456.7.1", 
     "subnet" => "", 

foreach ($data as $host => $fields) {
  print $host . ":\n";
  foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
    print "\t $name \t $value \n";
Translating this to Ruby:

data = { 
      "server0" => 
     "old_ip" => "123.456.234.51",
     "new_ip" => "123.456.7.5",
     "gateway" => "123.456.7.1", 
     "subnet" => "", 
      "server1" => 
     "old_ip" => "123.456.234.52",
     "new_ip" => "123.456.7.6",
     "gateway" => "123.456.7.1", 
     "subnet" => "", 

data.each do |host, fields| 
    puts host + ":\n"
    fields.each do |name, value|
       puts "\t #{name} \t #{value} \n"

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