Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Perl array references... yuck

# -------------------------------------------------------- 
# I hate Perl's syntax for scalars vs arrays vs hashes and 
# all of the nasty tricks in between for referencing them. 
# I want to iterate over a hash table of arrays and then 
# pass each array to a function.  
# -------------------------------------------------------- 
# From the Camel Book:

%HoA = (
    flintstones    => [ "fred", "barney" ],
    jetsons        => [ "george", "jane", "elroy" ],
    simpsons       => [ "homer", "marge", "bart" ],

# Here's the book's way to loop through this:  

for $family ( keys %HoA ) {
    print $family . ": ";
    for $i ( 0 .. $#{ $HoA{$family} } ) {
        print $HoA{$family}[$i] . " "; 
    print "\n";

# If I want to grab each array that comes out I need to 
# deference it with {} and declare it an an array with @
# I can't just say:  @fam_arr = @HoA{$family};
# So for the array that comes out which I refer to as  
# a scalar, I'm now going to refer to as an array:  

foreach $family ( keys %HoA ) {
    @fam_arr = @{ $HoA{$family} }; 
    print $family . ": ";
    foreach $name (@fam_arr) {
        print $name . " "; 
    print "\n";

# Since Perl's parameter passing to functions expands arrays 
# into all of their values, I need to be explicit when I pass
# the array that I'm passing a reference to the array with \@
# The function then takes the scalar reference and I then tell 
# it to deference it with {} and treat it as an array with @

foreach $family ( keys %HoA ) {
    @fam_arr = @{ $HoA{$family} }; 
    print $family . ": ";
    print "\n";

sub print_list {
    my ($fam_arr) = @_;
    foreach $name (@{$fam_arr}) {
        print $name . " "; 

# I find this to be excessive compared to similar languages.
# Perhaps I don't know a better way with Perl or this is just
# not a paradigm Perl promotes.  I'm trying to abstract some 
# things to shift focus away from what I want to do to each
# array in a real program and I've done it, but I feel I had
# to introduce what seems like some ugly reference tricks.  

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