Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mail Clients: mutt + zimbra et al

We run Zimbra where I work. I've been using Thunderbird (and webmail for Calendaring) but I used to use mutt when my mail was just on a server running qmail.

A friend of mine caught me saying I was tempted to get mutt working with zimbra via imap/smtp. He beat me to it. Here's a .muttrc:

# Automatically log in to this mailbox at startup
set spoolfile="imaps://netid@incoming.domain.tld/"
# Define the = shortcut, and the entry point for the folder browser
set folder="imaps://netid@incoming.domain.tld/"
# Use a well-defined SMTP server
set smtp_url="smtps://netid@outgoing.domain.tld:465/"
# Define Zimbra-default folders
set record="=Sent"
set postponed="=Drafts"
# activate TLS if available on the server
set ssl_starttls=yes
# always use SSL when connecting to a server
set ssl_force_tls=yes
# Don't wait to enter mailbox manually
unset imap_passive
# Automatically poll subscribed mailboxes for new mail
set imap_check_subscribed
# Reduce polling frequency to a sane level
set mail_check=60
# And poll the current mailbox more often (not needed with IDLE in post
set timeout=10
# keep a cache of headers for faster loading (1.5.9+?)
set header_cache=~/.hcache
# Display download progress every 5K
set net_inc=5
# Use emacs (remember to server-start)
set editor="emacsclient -t"
# Set From: address
my_hdr From: First Last 
Note that you must have emacs running in the background to use "emacsclient -t". If you do this add "(server-start)" to your .emacs or use "M-x server-start".

Our discussion on mail clients lead to others worth checking out:

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